• Date:
    23 Oct 2019
  • Author:

According to Kemal E. Gani, Editor in Chief of the SWA Group, there are still a lot of businesses in Indonesia that need to be inspired to pursue growth in revenue and profit while also being willing to contribute to social development and environmental protection. “We really hope that more Indonesian companies can not only improve their performance, but in parallel can also increase their commitment to the environment and social life of the community,” he remarked during a speech at the Shangri-La Hotel, Jakarta (22/10/2019).


He claimed that receiving this honor shows how much business owners care about operating their enterprises sustainably. He expects that other businesses that have not adopted the green company ethos will look to these enterprises as models and sources of inspiration. The 25 best public companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange are chosen by KEHATI based on standards like turnover exceeding IDR 1 trillion, strong performance, involvement in socially and environmentally conscious industries, dedication to environmental preservation, and application of Good Corporate Governance (GCG) principles in day-to-day business operations.


In the meanwhile, SWA looks for and chooses businesses that may be referred to as “Indonesia Green Companies,” i.e., businesses that have a sustainability strategy with successful, demonstrable results that benefit society and all stakeholders. Participants who proceed to the final step of the process will select papers and engage in discussion.
The ten organizations that received the Indonesia Green Company Award are as follows:


⦁ PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur
⦁ PT Propan Raya ICC
⦁ PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur
⦁ PT Vale Indonesia Tbk.
⦁ PT Dirgantara Indonesia (Persero)
⦁ PT Indonesia Power
⦁ PT Royal Lestari Utama
⦁ PT Campina Ice Cream Industry Tbk.
⦁ PT GMF Aeroasia Tbk.
⦁ Sambu Group


In order to operate a sustainable business, Kemal said this year’s party focused on the company’s green commitment and green innovation. The factors considered are the CEO’s commitment, compliance issues, business concepts and strategies, business operations, sustainability initiatives, as well as measurable outcomes and impacts.


“We anticipate that there will be some real advantages if we continue to conduct this program. Give some illustrations of the best business practices first,” said the SWA Media Group’s top executive.


“Second, by distributing a number of examples, we hope that this endeavor can inspire additional businesses to follow suit and thereby spark a chain reaction for sustainability programs in our nation.”


This is significant because, as Kemal predicted, a large number of foreign partners, investors, financial institutions, and customers will choose green enterprises as their business partners in the future. By expressing his gratitude, he also wishes to persuade the business to keep running the program so that it improves and offers additional programs that are similar.


The SRI-KEHATI index, on the other hand, is designed to provide a benchmark and offer extra investment instructions for investors in the capital market, according to Riki Frindos, Executive Director of KEHATI, in his remarks. The issuers with the finest track records in supporting sustainable corporate operations and in raising investor knowledge of environmental sustainability, social values, and sound corporate governance are explicitly targeted by this index.


He continued by saying that in addition to serving as a benchmark for investments, this index represents the company’s dedication to protecting the environment and those who are vulnerable to environmental hazards. From the beginning, KEHATI has believed that through the SRI-KEHATI Index, which is perhaps the first green index in Asia, investors and the business community may contribute to this through companies that have been listed on the IDX.


“In the end, investments that respect the environment and society won’t be mandated by OJK rules, won’t be promoted by NGOs or SWA Magazine, but rather, they’ll become standards that the money market will adopt on its own. Investors will close their doors tightly if companies are not environmentally and socially responsible, sooner or later,” said Ricky.


“I believe that one day or even in the near future, if companies do not have social and environmental ratings that meet the requirements, they will not be able to issue bonds,” he added.
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