1,439 views In Commemoration Of Plant A Tree Day 2019, KEHATI And KTLH Sangga Buana Plants Coffee At Pesanggrahan Watershed - KEHATI KEHATI

In Commemoration Of Plant A Tree Day 2019, KEHATI And KTLH Sangga Buana Plants Coffee At Pesanggrahan Watershed

  • Date:
    30 Apr 2020
  • Author:

Jakarta-KEHATI foundation and Sangga Buana Farmers and Environment Group (KTLH) planted 2,000 Sangkuriang coffee plantations in the Pesanggrahan watershed and forest, Jakarta (11/30). The reason for choosing coffee plant seeds, that is in addition to restoring watersheds, coffee plants can provide economic benefits to the people who live around the river.


“We are planting coffee seeds today in commemoration of Indonesian plant a tree day (HMPI) which falls on November 28, 2019. In addition we also involve students in today’s activities with the aim that the younger generation not only sees coffee as a trend, but also its role in maintaining river ecosystems, “said KEHATI Foundation Program Director Rony Megawanto.


Growing coffee on the banks of the river is interesting. Not all types of coffee can be planted near the river. The coffee seedlings planted are named Sangkuriang, a West Java endemic coffee that grows in the lowlands at an altitude of 400 meters above sea level. Sangkuriang coffee plants are widely planted in the Garut area of ​​West Java. In addition to the watershed, planting coffee seeds is also carried out in other areas in the urban forest of Pesanggrahan. The cultivation of coffee will further enrich existing plant varieties. Some types of plants that have been found in an area of ​​120 hectares include bamboo, lute, jamblang, breadfruit, gondang, bintaro, durian, mawar soursop, and others.


Pesanggrahan Urban Forest is expected to be a display of local plants and learning about biodiversity conservation for the people of Jakarta, especially the younger generation. In addition to planting coffee seeds, participants were also invited to tour Pesanggrahan urban fores, guided by Babeh Idin, the nickname of H. Chaerudin. Participants are invited to see the waste management and trigona / kanceng honey farms.


“I hope that the conservation program will not only have an ecological impact, but will also provide economic benefits to the community. Coffee cultivation complements the existing fish and honey farms, “said Sangga Buana KTLH Chairperson, H. Cherudin. In addition, the existing urban forest becomes a learning place for the community, especially the younger generation. “That is the reason most participants today are school students and students from various universities. We have invited  them and hope that more than 100 students are involved in planting, “said Head of KTLH Sangga Buana H. Cherudin.



About KEHATI foundation


The Indonesian Biodiversity Foundation (KEHATI) has been established since January 12, 1994 to collect and manage resources which will then be distributed in the form of grants, facilitation, consultation and various other facilities to support various biodiversity conservation programs in Indonesia and their use in a fair and sustainable manner.


The existence of KEHATI is closely related to Indonesia’s commitment in implementing the convention on biological diversity, which resulted from the earth summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 and the Tokyo declaration in 1993. In accordance with the agreement in Tokyo declaration, the United States government provides support for biodiversity conservation in Indonesia, which subsequently became the forerunner to the existence of KEHATI organization. This support is manifested in the form of an endowment fund, which is then played on the capital market in the form of shares and bonds.


The proceeds from the turnover of these funds are obtained rewards that are used to finance grant aid programs implemented by KEHATI partners. KEHATI assistance can take the form of grants, experts, consultations and various forms of facilitation for the activities of NGOs, CBOs, research institutions, education and training as well as various civil society organizations and components that have programs and activities in line with the KEHATI program, conservation and utilization of biodiversity in a manner just and sustainable.


Various forms of cooperation are established with institutions that can support the KEHATI mission, such as the central and regional governments, the business community, universities, NGOs/CBOs, professional associations, and the mass media.