• Date:
    30 Apr 2020
  • Author:

Good news came from Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, where the 2018 United Nation Biodiversity Conference took place, by members of the Indonesian delegatio.


On Sunday (25/11) at 17.55 local time, on the COP 14 CBD session, the CHM Award Ceremony announced that Indonesia was awarded the Gold Award for the assessment of the Clearing House Mechanism (CHM) Award in the category of New National Clearing House Mechanism.


The award was given by CBD Executive Secretary Christiana Pasca Palmer accompanied by the Egyptian Minister of the Environment as President of COP 14 and received by the Indonesian delegation.


The Gold Award is the highest award given by the UNCBD Secretariat in the event.


The purpose of organizing the CHM Award is for formal recognition to member countries that have made real developments of their CHM, where the national CHM must provide special information services to facilitate the implementation of NBSAP at the national level


Director General of Natural Resources and Ecosystems Conservation, Ministry of Environment and Forestry (MOEFr), Ir. Wiratno, M.Sc, informed this to the media, Wednesday (11/28). Wiratno said, Indonesia had ratified the UN convention on biodiversity (United Nations on Convention on Biological Diversity / UNCBD) with Law No.5 of 1994 about ratification of the UNCBD.


The parties on the convention agreed to formulate biodiversity management targets in the world as a common reference known as the Aichi Biodiversity Targets.


Each country participating in the CBD then makes a Strategy and Action Plan for Biodiversity Management or known as the Indonesian Biodiversity Strategic and Action Plan / IBSAP 2015-2020 in Indonesia, in accordance with the capabilities of each country as manifestation of Aichi targets..


The CHM or the clearing hall mechanism was built as a medium to report and show progress in achieving the targets of biodiversity management in each country.


Wiratno further stated that the Indonesian Biodiversity Clearing House (BKKHI) is a web-based mechanism that is mainly used as a tool to monitor and report on progress towards the implementation of the National and Aichi Targets and as a medium for exchanging information on the management of Indonesia’s biodiversity. BKKHI can be accessed through the address http://balaikliringkehati.menlhk.go.id//.


Wiratno explained, if we looked backwards, the journey of BKKHI was very long. Initiated in 2002 and was launched and operated in 2004, the dynamics of changes in government organizations in Indonesia caused a suspension for BKKHI.


At the end of 2016 the MOEFr as the Indonesian National Focal Point for the biodiversity convention with the Minister of Environment and Forestry Decree No.SK.755 / menLHK / KSDAE / Kum.0 / 9/2016 formed the Indonesian Biodiversity Clearing Center Working Group (Pokja BKKHI)


Known by the Director General of KSDAE-KLHK, this Working Group consisted of representatives from Ministries / Institutions (K / L) related to the achievement of National and Aichi Targets such as LIPI, Bappenas, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Ministry of Home Affairs, and Ministry of Foreign Affairs Country.


This Working Group then encouraged the revitalization and development of the old BKKHI and tried to build a clearing hall node network consisting not only of government institutions but also from universities and non-government organizations such as the Bogor Agricultural University, KEHATI, WCS-IP and others.


The responsibility for operational management of the BKKHI webportal is under the Directorate for Assessment and Information on Nature Conservation (PIKA), DG KSDAE as the Secretariat of the BKKHI Working Group.


“The current achievement does not mean that the work has been completed. The biggest challenge for the management of BKKHI in the future is to encourage the active role and participation of the ministries / institutions / CSOs / Regional Clearing Centers in disseminating implementation achievements in their respective fields,” concluded Wiratno


(Source: Media Indonesia)