• Date:
    06 Dec 2019
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  •  The Barumun Nagari Wildlife Sanctuary (BNWS) in South Tapanuli was established in an effort to boost the number of Sumatran tigers. Two baby tigers were born as a result of the meeting of the Gadis and the Monang here..
  • Up to 2019, the government wants to see a 10% increase in the population of endangered animals, including the Sumatran tiger. A population viability assessment (PVA), a type of population census computation, is being attempted in 2016 by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry. The Ministry of Environment and Forestry determined from this information that the number of Sumatran tigers has expanded, to 604 individuals.
  •  The government, through the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, is attempting to increase the tiger population in a number of ways, such as by building enclaves for the tiger population and toughening up on those who commit crimes against animals. The victims of conflicts between these threatened species and people have a place to go as well as a tiger rehabilitation center.
  •  The TFCA-Sumatera has set aside US$12.7 million specifically for recovering populations of critically endangered, highly rare, and four threatened species: the Sumatran rhinoceros, tiger, elephant, and orangutan. $42.7 million in total was allotted through 2023.

Gadis (means: girl) is her name. In the Batang Gadis National Park (TNBG), Mandailing Natal, North Sumatra, she is a tigress imprisoned in a trap. Gadis had to have one of her legs amputated after being struck by a hunter’s armor. Gadis now resides in South Tapanuli’s Barumun Nagari Wildlife Sanctuary (BNWS). The Barumun Wildlife Sanctuary is close by this region. She is living with Monang, tiger male saved from hunter’s snare in Parmonangan Village’s woodland in Simalungun, North Sumatra. Monang’s leg doesn’t need to be amputated because the cut on it can heal, unlike Gadis. Monang was fortunate to live despite being twice caught in the trap. They both currently reside in a habituation cage.

At BNWS, this pair of threatened species first met, and the Gadis later gave birth to two strong, active kids.


Early in March, I went to BNWS. I joined the team that included Indra Exsploitasia, Samedi, Director of Tropical Forest Conservation Action – Sumatra (TFCA – Sumatra), Director of Biodiversity Conservation (KKH), Directorate General of Conservation of Natural Resources and Ecosystems (KSDAE), KLHK, and Executive Director of the KEHATI Foundation, Riki Frindos. There, we wish to see the four Sumatran tigers’ growth. The Ministry of Environment and Forestry is attempting to conduct a population viability assessment (PVA), a type of population survey computation, in 2016, according to Indra Expolitasia.


The Ministry of Environment and Forestry determined from this information that there were 604 more Sumatran tigers than there were previously. “New pockets will continue to be created for the Sumatran tiger population, with a goal of expanding the population by 10% by the end of 2019. Sumatra is experiencing population growth, he noted.


The Ministry of Environment and Forestry, an agency of the government, is working to raise the number of tigers through a variety of initiatives, such as establishing tiger enclaves and toughening penalties for those who commit crimes against animals. In addition, it constructed a facility for rehabilitating tigers who had been injured in fights with people.


He aims to do this in order to boost tiger numbers and lessen the threat of extinction. He claimed that hunting for the illegal trade presented the greatest challenge to maintaining the tiger population and habitat. He added that fragmentation of the habitat is another significant issue. Law enforcement must also continue, while establishing new pockets.


One of the models for preventing conflicts between the Sumatran tiger population and humans is the BNWS, which is adjacent to Barumun Island. Conflict-related tiger casualties are saved here. A tiger will return to nature once it has undergone a number of steps, beginning with rehabilitation, habituation, and reintroduction. At Barumun SM, he is able to be let go.


“This BNWS is situated just across from SM Barumun. The Sumatran tiger was promptly freed at the opposite end once it managed to survive, and it entered Barumun BC. Because some hunting attempts result in fatalities, this is a necessary step in preserving the population and preventing extinction,” according to Indra. Gadis, Monang, and their two cubs, four Sumatran tigers, are temporarily housed in a semi-natural habitat at BNWS.


He claimed that Tambling, Lampung, and Dharmasraya, West Sumatra, are the two Sumatran tiger rehabilitation institutions in the island of Sumatra. A BNWS is also present. Gadis and Monang at BNWS were able to bring their two young back to their original environment after surviving the wild. Before tigers are released into the wild, a number of environmental assessments are required, including ones on food availability. In order to ensure the safety of both humans and animals, it is also important to consider the ecological and socioeconomic aspects of the release site, such as whether or not it is close to populated areas.


Conservation Fund


According to Samedi, Indonesia presently owes US$30 million in debt to fund conservation initiatives. It might be people, wildlife, or landscapes. Generally, the money can be put to use. TFCA-Sumatera has set aside US$12.7 million specifically to restore populations of exceptionally uncommon, important, and endangered animals, with a focus on four endangered species: the Sumatran rhinoceros, tigers, elephants, and Sumatran orangutans. For 2023, a total of $42.7 million has been set aside. He added that it’s still feasible that the money will be utilized to boost the numbers of other species. Animals in Sumatra are endemic species that are under severe threat. He said that deforestation occurred in forests.


“When there is extensive deforestation, animal habitats are destroyed, which causes conflicts between humans and animals. It needs to be fixed right away since this is really unhealthy, Samedi said. He claimed that the animal population situation was not promising. For example, the number of Sumatran tigers is estimated to be about 600, which is not ideal for one species over the long run.


Source: https://www.mongabay.co.id/2019/03/13/cerita-upaya-penyelamatan-harimau-sumatera-di-barumun/