The Kalimantan Tropical Forest Conservation Act (TFCA-Kalimantan) is a second debt transfer cooperation program (TFCA-2) between the United States Government and the Government of Indonesia, with The Nature Conservancy (TNC) and the World Wildlife Fund for Nature (WWF) as swap partner. The TFCA-Kalimantan agreement was signed through:
On February 3, 2012, the parties agreed to appoint the KEHATI Foundation as the administrator of TFCA Kalimantan. The implementation of the TFCA-Kalimantan program aims to support the ongoing program, the Berau Forest Carbon Program (PKHB) and the Heart of Borneo (HoB) initiative with the Berau target district to PKHB, and Kapuas Hulu, West Kutai, and Mahakam Ulu for the HoB with 80% of funding allocated. In addition to the district, TFCA-Kalimantan funding also allocated 20% to other districts, but it was still intended to strengthen the PKHB and HoB program initiatives. Until the middle of 2019, TFCA has supported initiatives outside the target districts including: Kubu Raya, Melawi, Lamandau, Kutai Kartanegara, and Nunukan.