1,126 views Webinar “Conservation Efforts of Hornbills in Kapuas Hulu” with TFCA Kalimantan, Indonesian hornbills, and TNBKDS - KEHATI KEHATI

Webinar “Conservation Efforts of Hornbills in Kapuas Hulu” with TFCA Kalimantan, Indonesian hornbills, and TNBKDS

  • Date:
    26 Jun 2020
  • Author:

The Ivory hornbill, the official mascot of West Kalimantan, is now increasingly difficult to find. The veil, which has a selling value, makes this bird a prey object. This makes IUCN (The International Union for Conservation of Nature) raise its status from endangered to critical, one more stage towards extinction.

The Indonesian government also made the Ivory Hornbill as a protected animal and formulated the Hornbill Ivory National Strategy and Action Plan 2018-2028. As one of the efforts to conserve the ivory hornbill, the KEHATI Foundation through TFCA-Kalimantan together with the Indonesian Archipelago Natural Track Record Foundation / Indonesian hornbills conduct a survey on hornbill population and occupancy.

The survey, which was conducted in 2017-2019, is located on 13 grids, covering 56 thousand ha with more than 600 observation points. A total of 80 residents, 8 BTNBKDS staff, and 9 volunteers from universities were involved. Based on the wide coverage and the number of involvement from various parties, this survey is the largest survey of ivory hornbills ever in Kalimantan.

The results showed that 10% of all encounters with hornbills were observed and 86% of all encounters were only by voice. The hornbill density was recorded at 0.24 groups / ha, far below the hornbill hornbills and golden hornbills.

In an effort to disseminate information and increase awareness of the hornbill hornbill conservation, on Wednesday (24/06/2020), TFCA-Kalimantan held an online discussion “Conservation Efforts of Hornbills in Kapuas Hulu”. To find out more about the material presented in the discussion can download it below:
Presentation by Yokyok Hadiprakarsa, Founder of Indonesian hornbills
The presentation of Ir. Arief Mahmud, M.Si, Head of the TNBKDS Center
Prof. Dr. Ani Mardiastuti, M.Sc, Professor of conservation of IPB