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Biodiversity Warriors : Caring for Fisherman Villages by Planting Trees and Renovating Educational Huts

  • Date:
    09 Dec 2023
  • Author:

Jakarta- Biodiversity Warriors (BW) KEHATI recently took part in a tree planting activity by planting fruit tree seedlings along the Retention Pond of Kampung Nelayan Cilincing, North Jakarta (9/8). This activity, carried out in collaboration with students from Universitas Multimedia Nusantara (UMN), is a continuation of the previous mangrove planting event that took place in August. After planting the mangrove seedlings, the local residents requested BW KEHATI to continue the planting activities in their village, especially focusing on fruit trees. The residents hope that the growing trees will create a beautiful and comfortable living environment, while also producing fruits that can be consumed by the community.

“We are delighted to see the enthusiasm of the local residents in improving the coastal ecosystem in Kampung Nelayan. It is only fitting that the community becomes an active participant in conservation activities. Moreover, this event serves as a learning opportunity as it involves students. Additionally, the planted trees will enhance the local biodiversity and contribute to the food security of the residents,” said the Director of Communications.

BW KEHATI has planted various types of tree seedlings including mango, guava, rambutan, avocado, sapodilla, jambolan, coconut, breadfruit, jackfruit, and Bali orange trees. Moreover, they have also focused on cultivating medicinal plants such as lead tree, bitterbush, Indian mulberry, lesser galangal, ginger, greater galangal, castor oil plant, turmeric, temulawak, and betel leaf. The total count of local fruit and medicinal tree seedlings surpasses 150.

In addition to their tree planting initiatives, BW KEHATI has taken the initiative to renovate a traditional hut that is commonly used by the community. This renovation will enable the hut to serve as a valuable learning space, particularly for children in the sphere of environmental education. This hut has been officially named the Biodiversity Hut (Kehati) as per the agreement. To facilitate and enhance environmental education, the hut has been equipped with informative posters and a collection of books on environmental education.

In addition to BW KEHATI and UMN students, the tree-planting activity was joined by representatives from the Environmental Agency of DKI Jakarta Province, representatives from Cilincing District, representatives from Kali Baru Village, representatives from Karang Taruna, and local residents.

After the tree-planting, the students and residents carried out a clean-up activity around the pavilion.

“Since its establishment, Biodiversity Warriors have been actively educating the community, especially the younger generation, about environmental issues. We hope that the Biodiversity Warriors movement will continue to engage in urban biodiversity actions with the residents in the future,” Rika concluded.