1,583 views Coffee Activists Give 2,500 Packaged Coffee and 14 Varients of Indonesian Coffee to Medical Officers at the Wisma Atlet Hospital - KEHATI KEHATI

Coffee Activists Give 2,500 Packaged Coffee and 14 Varients of Indonesian Coffee to Medical Officers at the Wisma Atlet Hospital

  • Date:
    24 Apr 2021
  • Author:

This is as support for the struggle of medical workers in fighting the corona disease through the momentum of World Coffee Day.

Jakarta-Taking the momentum of World Coffee Day on October 1, 2020, the KEHATI Foundation together with the Sustainable Coffee Platform of Indonesia (SCOPI) and several coffee activists and businessmen in Indonesia handed over coffee parcels to the Wisma Atlet Emergency Hospital Kemayoran, Central Jakarta. This is a manifestation of the concern of farmers, entrepreneurs, and coffee lovers in Indonesia to health fighters in curing Covid 19 patients. The gifts were given by several representatives from the KEHATI Foundation, SCOPI, and partners to Kakesdam – Coordinator of Wisma Athletes Colonel CCM Dr. Stefanus Dony.

The packages given contained 2,500 ground coffee in various packaging sizes with various variants, including Flores Colol Arabica, Java Cikuray, Toraja, Aceh Gayo, Sumatera Dolok, Malabar Pangalengan, Toraja Sapan, Toraja Sesean, Yellow Catura, Manggarai Arabica, Robusta Manggarai , Arabica Kerinci, Arabica Mandailing, and Robusta Tanggamus.

“Through the many coffee variants provided, we want to show two real messages. The first is the manifestation of a lot of support for health fighters at the Athlete’s House. Second, as a form of education on World Coffee Day that Indonesia has so many coffee varieties with high quality, “said the Executive Director of the KEHATI Foundation, Riki Frindos.

Together with KEHATI and SCOPI, the activity with the theme Collaborative Coffee was also supported by the KEHATI Foundation’s TFCA Sumatra Program, Anomali Coffee, PT. ABCD Kopi Indonesia, My Kopi O !, Rikolto, WE Coffee, PT. Mayora Indah, Tbk, and Kemitraan.

“SCOPI together with its members, partners & assisted coffee farmers initiated a collaborative coffee action as a form of gratitude and appreciation to health workers who are always prepared to fight during the COVID-19 pandemic. We present the diversity of Indonesian coffee that is obtained directly from coffee farmers in various regions. International Coffee Day is a very good momentum to make this collaboration happen, “said SCOPI Executive Director Paramita Mentari Kesuma.

Based on the pdki-indonesia.dgip.go.id page, there are 30 Geographical Indications (GI) of Indonesian coffee with registered status, which indicate the wealth of coffee from various origins or origins. The location of the coffee plantations, the varieties planted and the various coffee processing techniques make each coffee origin have its own unique taste and aroma.

According to the Director of the TFCA-Sumatera program Samedi, coffee can be an entry point to overcome the problem of using forest areas without procedural matters, especially those on the border with conservation areas such as national parks that occur in many areas. Samedi hopes that coffee will serve as an opportunity to improve community welfare as well as become a bulwark for conservation by increasing the professionalism of farmers about coffee production and business outside the conservation area.

Not only for conservation fighters, in the midst of the Covid 19 pandemic through the momentum of World Coffee Day, coffee activists want to appreciate the health fighters who have worked hard to heal COVID-19 sufferers who work at Wisma Atlet Emergency Hospital.

Support and Appreciation of Coffee Activist Collaborators

Support and appreciation were also provided by collaborators for the distribution of Indonesian coffee parcels to the emergency hospital of Wisma Atlet Kemayoran Jakarta. Coffee and Payment for Ecosystem Services Manager Rikolto Kiki Purbosari said that by directly serving the best coffee in the archipelago, it is hoped that the collaboration of Indonesian coffee activists can provide encouragement for health workers.

Anomali Coffee, through its Head of Sales and Marketing, Ryo Saputra Limijaya, also expressed his appreciation to medical officers. “We pray for all my friends to be given strength, health and protection from God Almighty,” he said.

Appreciation was also conveyed by My Kopi-O! Group to health workers who are on standby and fighting during the COVID-19 pandemic. “Through the collaborative coffee action, My Kopi-O! The Group hopes to encourage health workers through the best local Indonesian coffee from My Kopi-O !, “said Managing Director of My Kopi O !, Darma Santoso.

WE Coffee Founder Wiliam Edison said that health workers are the inspiration to continue to provide the best. “The aroma of coffee is able to provide energy even when it is not drunk. To the medics / heroes on the front lines, thank you for your struggle and dedication in caring for Covid patients. It’s like a cup of coffee, although black and bitter, it gives a lot of inspiration, “he said.


The last, Founder of PT. ABCD Kopi Indonesia Hendri Kurniawan revealed that the collaborative coffee action was only a small thing when compared to the actions and sacrifices of health workers. The collaborative coffee action was welcomed by the representative of the Wisma Atlet Emergency Hospital Mayor Sugiran. “We really appreciate the support from coffee activists to health workers, especially those who work at the Athlete’s House. The diversity of Indonesian coffee provided can be an encouragement when on duty, he said. This Collaborative Coffee activity is expected to continue and be open to the possibility of cooperation and participation from other parties, including donations from the community.